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Crystal to KeyPay: What to expect from your new payslip
Crystal to KeyPay: What to expect from your new payslip
Updated over 4 months ago

From the week of Monday 08/01/2024, Sidekicker New Zealand has transitioned our payroll processing system from Crystal to Keypay. This means that any payslips received from Sidekicker past this date will display in a new format.

What does this mean for my payments?

Nothing will change in terms of your pay or your weekly pay schedule. Sidekicker will still process payments for all timesheets with an end date in the week prior (Monday to Sunday) on a weekly basis.

This means that if you work a shift that ends between Monday to Sunday, you can expect payment for the job you worked to reach your bank account by the end of the day on Friday of the following week.

What will change on my payslip?

Your payslip will include the same information as before, but it will look slightly different to the payslips you've received from us in the past. Your payslips will be sent from [email protected] as normal.

Crystal Payslip Example

Keypay Payslip Example

Understanding the information on your Payslip

Your payslip will provide you with a breakdown of the hours you've worked, how much money you've earned, and any tax or deductions that have been taken out of your pay.

The top right corner of your payslip will provide general information regarding your pay and earnings.

  • NZBZ: This stands for "New Zealand Business Number" and is Sidekicker's unique business identifier number.

  • Period Starting: The first day of the pay period included on the payslip.

  • Period Ending: The last day of the pay period included on the payslip. Timesheets with an end date from the "Period Starting" day to the "Period Ending" day will be included in the payslip.

  • TaxCode: Your tax code determines how much tax Sidekicker deducts from your pay, and will correlate with the information you entered on your Sidekicker profile. If your tax code changes, you'll need to update this on your Sidekicker account to ensure you're being taxed correctly.

  • IRD Number: Your IRD number keeps track of the tax you pay and helps make sure you pay the right amount or get the right entitlements.

  • Employee ID: When you sign up for Sidekicker, each user is automatically given an ID number which helps us identify you.

  • Hours paid: The amount of hours paid out to you on the payslip.

  • Gross Earnings: The amount of pay earned before any deductions or taxes are taken out.

  • Net Payment: The take-home pay you receive after all payroll deductions have been taken out of your Gross pay. This is the amount that will be deposited into your bank account.

The rest of your payslip will include more detailed information regarding your earnings, taxes, and contributions related to the money you earned during the pay period included as well as the year to date.

Wages and Earnings

  • Casual Ordinary Hours: All Sidekicks are employed on a Casual basis, meaning that the regular rate earned will fall under "Casual Ordinary Hours." Each type of rate earned will display on a seperate line, so if you worked both Public Holiday hours as well as Ordinary hours in the same pay period, these will be listed separately as they will incur different pay rates.

  • Notes: Under each type of rate earned, the notes below it will include information regarding the Sidekicker job requests that contributed to those hours. The notes will include "Job ID - Job Title - Date" of the request worked.

  • Pay as you go 8%: Most casual workers are not entitled to paid annual holidays. Instead of earning paid annual holidays, you'll earn an additional 8% of your gross earnings.


  • PAYE: Employees earning a wage or salary are taxed directly from their pay. This is known as PAYE (pay as you earn).

Post Tax Deductions

Post Tax Deductions are voluntary deductions taken out of an employees pay after tax. Post-tax deductions have no effect on taxable wages and the amount of tax owed.

Kiwisaver Contributions

KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings and investment scheme for workers in New Zealand to help them save money for retirement. The selections you made on your profile in relation to KiwiSaver will determine the contribution amounts listed on your payslip. You can find more information regarding Kiwisaver, and how to update your contributions in this help article.

  • Employee Contribution: Kiwisaver contributions will be taken from your before-tax pay, or your "Gross Earnings." The contribution percentage taken out of your Gross Earnings will be displayed here in correlation to what you selected on your Sidekicker profile.

  • Employer Contribution: If you're eligible and have chosen to contribute to Kiwisaver, Sidekicker will match your contribution up to 3%. If you are not eligible or have chosen to opt out of Kiwisaver, Sidekicker will not make employer contributions.

  • ESCT Contribution: Employer superannuation contribution tax (ESCT) is the tax taken from the contributions Sidekicker makes to your KiwiSaver.

We hope that payslips from Keypay will provide a more seamless and direct outline of the wages you've earned on Sidekicker. If you have any questions or concerns about your new payslips you can contact our team using the blue chat bubble.

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