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How does the reliability score work?

Understanding the purpose of Sidekicker's reliability score and how it works.

Updated over 2 months ago

What is a reliability score?

Your reliability score is a representation of how reliable you are at completing shifts on the Sidekicker platform, and is based on your most recent 15 jobs. If you haven’t completed 15 jobs it will be based on any you have completed.

As a new Sidekick, your reliability score starts at 93% before you've completed any jobs. It will slowly build up towards 100% the more jobs you complete and show up to.

Your score will be impacted by you doing any of the following:

  • Withdrawing from a shift you have already applied to

  • Withdrawing from a shift you have been assigned to

  • Failing to attend a shift you have been assigned to without prior notice ('no show’)

Penalties to your reliability score are based on the pattern of behaviour - if you withdraw from shifts repeatedly, your reliability score will have a bigger impact.

Why is a reliability score important?

When you withdraw from a shift causes issues onsite for our clients. We value our clients and every withdrawal impacts our ability to support them. Additionally, it means that other Sidekicks that applied to work the shift miss out.

Your score will allow clients to get an understanding of how reliable you’ve recently been, which may factor into their hiring decisions - clients need confidence that the work they need completed will be done. As clients look for reliable workers, a great score may also help you secure more shifts, as you’ll get a reputation for performing consistently. The most reliable Sidekicks are highlighted in the clients' application list.

If your reliability score drops below 85%, you may be limited with visibility across some shifts on the platform. You can improve your reliability score to regain access to all shifts.

What is a good reliability score?

In a competitive workforce the best way to be most appealing to clients is to have 100% reliability. However, we acknowledge that sometimes life can get in the way and in those rare circumstances you may need to withdraw. If this happens it’s still possible to maintain a score above 85%.

Please note that a pattern of being unreliable may result in a review of your account, in line with our Reliability Policy.

How can I improve my reliability score?

You can improve your reliability score by completing more shifts with perfect attendance - which will count towards your most recent 15 shifts and improve the overall score.

Minimising the number of withdrawals you need to make is the best way to positively impact your score. You can achieve this by carefully considering each job before you apply for it. To help yourself do this, you can ask yourself the below questions:

  • If I am accepted for this job, will I be available at the stated date and time?

  • Do I understand the job’s requirements, and am I confident that I will be able to fulfil them?

  • If I am accepted for this job, are there any circumstances that may prevent me from completing it?

We acknowledge that sometimes, despite even the best planning, a withdrawal is necessary. If you find yourself in this position then please provide as much notice as possible.

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