Before you can access work on the Sidekicker platform, you will need to complete an assessment and finish setting up your Sidekicker account, including your profile and account settings.
How do I complete my Sidekicker profile?
Your profile is made up of your profile picture, bio, experience and certifications. It acts as your ‘online resume’ on Sidekicker - showcasing your personality, experience, and skills.
Businesses will review your profile alongside any applications you submit on the Sidekicker platform, so it is important to make yours stand out!
To complete your profile, click here to log in and update the following sections:
Step 1: Biography
What to include:
What role(s) are you looking for: Make sure the start of your bio clearly states what role(s) you’d like to take on
What experience you have: Businesses you apply for want to see you’ve worked in that field. You can list how many months of experience you have, what roles you’ve done and any further qualifications you have that show you'll be a great applicant.
About you: Clients love to know a little more about you! Why are you using Sidekicker, what are your interests outside of work and anything else fun you might like to share.
Please note: For your own security, please avoid adding personal details such as your home address, age or direct contact details here.
Why should businesses choose you: This is the part to really sell yourself! What are some of your best soft skills? What makes you a valuable team member?
Check out an example below:
Step 2: Experience
You can add as many experience items to your profile as you like, however, we recommend keeping these relevant to the industries you want to work in through Sidekicker.
You will need to add at least 1 experience item to your profile, and we recommend adding at least 3 to showcase as many of your skills as possible.
⭐ Top Tip ⭐
Be specific about what tasks you did/ key skills demonstrated in your previous roles. E.g. 'making and serving coffee and cocktails', ‘preparation of salad ingredients and cold meats’, or ‘load and stage product using a forklift'.
Check out an example below example:
Step 3: Preferred work type
To help us better understand the work you are interested in, you can select up to 3 preferred work types.
Flexible casual work - for workers who want to pick up casual work but don't want to commit to any regular roster
Longer-term placements - for workers who are after more regular hours each week and are willing to commit to certain hours per week for a period of time
Permanent employment - for workers interested in finding permanent employment with a single company
Step 4: Certificates
Your certificate section includes a list of required documents you will need in your specified industry. Once your profile is approved, you can also add optional certificates.
Required certificates will vary depending on where you are located and the industries you are approved to work in. However, to access any work on our platform, all Sidekicks are required to complete/upload the following documents:
How do I complete my account settings?
Your account settings must be completed to ensure we have the correct details on file for processing payments, emergency contacts, etc.
For your security, this information is never shared with 3rd parties, including the businesses you may be hired to work with. You should never be asked to share this information outside of the platform for work you complete with Sidekicker.
To complete your Account Settings, click here and log in to update the following sections:
Step 1: Account Details
Information about you (including date of birth, contact information, etc)
Emergency contact information
Step 2: Employment Details
TFN number
Superannuation details - if you do not have your own account already set up, we can organise one with Host Plus for you.
New Zealand:
Tax Code Number
KiwiSaver details (if applicable)
Step 3: Bank Details
Your bank account name and number in order to process your payments.
It is critical that these details are correct to avoid delays or incorrect payment!
What next?
Once everything is completed you will should see 3 blue ticks. You can then proceed to the "Submit" tab to submit your profile for approval. Our team will review your profile within 5 business days and notify you once it's approved!
If for any reason your uploaded certificates or profile are unable to be approved, you'll receive an email from us outlining why so you can try again.
Still have questions? Get in touch with our friendly Support team via the blue chat bubble on Sidekicker - we are always happy to help!