Sidekicker is committed to making sure that every Sidekick has a great experience on their shifts. This means we want clients and other staff to treat you with respect. As such - bullying is absolutely not allowed.
We never expect you to have to tolerate bullying or bully other staff, clients, or the Sidekicker team.
What is bullying?
Bullying is usually considered to be verbal, physical, social or psychological abuse. It can take many forms and it is never okay.
Some examples of bullying are actions that would victimise, humiliate, undermine or threaten its recipient in any capacity.
Examples of bullying
The following types of behaviour, when repeated or occurring as part of a pattern of behaviour can constitute bullying:
Abuse of any form (verbal, written, physical)
Excluding or isolating behaviour
Harassment or intimidation
Inappropriate requests
Assigning meaningless or impossible tasks
Making shifts intentionally more difficult
Ridiculing others for any reason
However, legitimate and reasonable actions to manage work performance or discipline a staff member for misconduct do not constitute workplace bullying.
It is the responsibility of all Sidekicks, clients and Sidekicker to ensure that the workplace is a safe place to work, free from bullying.
All Sidekicks must ensure that:
they understand and are committed to the rights and entitlements of all employees to attend work and perform their duties without fear of bullying in any form
they immediately report any offensive action they witnessed or that was directed at themselves
treat fellow workers with dignity and respect
Reporting procedure
To report an incident, go to your Sidekicker app and click on 'Report a Workplace Incident'. Sidekicker will deal with all reports of workplace bullying seriously, promptly and confidentially.
Outcome of the reporting process
Any person who has been found to have bullied other Sidekicks will have appropriate disciplinary action taken. This can include a warning or restriction of their ability to view jobs on Sidekicker.
Any person who has been found to have made a report that is malicious or based on facts that the person ought to reasonably believe to be untrue may also be subject to disciplinary action. As long as you tell the truth to the best of your ability this is nothing to worry about.