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All CollectionsFor SidekicksPolicies and Responsibilities
Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy
Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy
Updated over a year ago

Introduction & Philosophy

Sidekicker is committed to the prevention of any form of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation in the workplace. Sidekicker considers these unacceptable forms of behaviour and it will not tolerate such behaviour under any circumstances. 

All Sidekicks have a right to be treated equitably and without harassment occurring in the workplace. All Sidekicks have the responsibility to respect the rights of fellow Sidekicks, clients and Sidekicker staff, by not taking part in any action that may constitute harassment and by supporting and promoting the achievement of equal opportunity.  Sidekicker is committed to fostering a workplace that is productive, professional and harmonious.

Equal employment opportunity and discrimination

This policy reflects the spirit and intent of federal and state equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation in Australia and New Zealand.  Sidekicker recognises its talented and diverse workforce as a key competitive advantage.  Our business success is a reflection of the quality and skills of our people.  Sidekicker values diversity and understands that each Sidekick brings with them experience from their own unique experiences, capabilities and characteristics.  This diversity benefits all areas within Sidekicker from individuals to teams, the company as a whole and our customers.

Sidekicker is an equal opportunity employer and believes that people perform more productively in an environment that is free from discrimination. 

Equal opportunity means ensuring that employment policies and practices are based on, and operate according to, the principle of merit. Sidekicker is therefore committed to ensuring that its employment practices are free from any unlawful discrimination based on:

  • Race or ethnicity

  • National origin

  • Sex

  • Gender identity

  • Sexual preference or lawful sexual activity

  • Marital Status

  • Pregnancy

  • Family responsibilities

  • Breastfeeding

  • Religious beliefs

  • Political conviction

  • Industrial activity

  • Disability or impairment, including infectious disease

  • Physical features

  • Personal association (whereas a relative or otherwise) with a person who is identified by reference to any of the above attributes; and

  • Age 

Sidekicker is committed to creating and sustaining a workplace for all Sidekicks that is free from discrimination (both direct and indirect) on the basis of the above, and also to:

  • Not unreasonably refusing to accommodate parental or carer responsibilities in employment

  • Make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities in employment

Discrimination can take many forms, some of which are direct or open. Others may be indirect or hidden:

Direct discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another, simply because of a personal characteristic or status unrelated to job performance, such as gender, race, sexuality, or marital status (as listed above).

Indirect discrimination occurs when a policy or requirement which at first glance seems fair, in fact, operates to the detriment of a particular group of people because of a characteristic of that group, such as age, race, family circumstances or gender (as listed above).

Workplace harassment

Sidekicker is committed to providing an environment that is free from sexual harassment and from harassment on the discriminatory grounds listed above.


Sexual harassment, discriminatory harassment and victimisation due to making a complaint are unlawful and amount to discrimination under federal and state anti-discrimination law. 

Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including unwelcome sexual advances that are likely to make a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It does not require an intention to harass and does not require the recipient to ask for the behaviour to stop.

Discriminatory harassment is a recognised form of discrimination that occurs when a person is harassed because of characteristics such as disability, gender, race and age (or any of the other grounds outlined in this Policy). 

Victimisation occurs when a person is treated unfairly or less favourably because of making or intending to make a complaint of sexual harassment or discrimination.

Some examples of behaviour that can be sexual harassment or discriminatory harassment include:

  • acting towards, or speaking to a person in a manner that threatens or vilifies that person;

  • making jokes, suggestive comments or offensive gestures related to a person’s race, colour, ethnic origin, disability, gender or sexual characteristics;

  • distribution or display of material (including through e-mail) that may be offensive, such as sexually explicit posters or pictures, racist or sexist jokes or cartoons;

  • persistent questions about a person’s private life;

  • personal comments about appearance, size, clothing;

  • demands for sexual favours, either directly or by implication;

  • unwanted and deliberate physical contact; and

  • indecent assault and other criminal offences.

When does it apply?

All types of discrimination and harassment are unlawful not only during working hours or in the workplace itself and not only between co-workers.  The behaviour is unlawful in any work-related context and includes interactions with clients, customers and Sidekicker staff.

What are the procedures for a complaint?

Sidekicks who feel they have been discriminated against, or are or have been the subject of harassment at work are encouraged to inform Sidekicker. Sidekicker takes all complaints of discrimination and harassment seriously and will deal with them accordingly.

You can report a complaint through your Sidekicker app (Account > Report a Workplace Incident) or email us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Outcome of the grievance process

Any person who has been found to have harassed, discriminated against or victimised another person may be disciplined. The discipline will be appropriate to the severity of the offence but may involve a warning or dismissal.

Similarly, any person found to have made a complaint that is vexatious or based on facts that the complainant ought to reasonably believe to be untrue may also be subject to disciplinary action.

Mitigating factors such as personal circumstances, disciplinary and work history and work performance will be taken into account in determining the appropriate disciplinary measures to be adopted.

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