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Onboarding Private Sidekicks
Updated over 3 months ago

Want to make it easier for you to manage the employment admin for all your casuals? You can invite your casuals onto Sidekicker for your exclusive use by utilising the ‘Private Sidekicks’ feature.

Private Sidekicks can only see the requests posted by you on the platform, and the benefit of the feature is that you don’t have to worry about their employment admin and payroll—Sidekicker will handle that on your behalf!

How to invite a Private Sidekick

  1. Click ‘Sidekicks’ on your navigation bar, select ‘Invite Sidekicks’, and ‘Create invitation

  2. Add the worker’s email address, decide a category and a subcategory assigned to the worker, and select them a talent pool.

  3. Click 'Send invitations'.

Worker will receive an email invitation to create an account on Sidekicker. Once the account is completed, you can hire them on your requests right away.

Please note the Private Sidekicks feature needs to be enabled on your account in order to see the option to invite Private Sidekicks.

How to know which category and subcategory to add to the worker

You'll need to add a minimum of one category and one subcategory to the worker upon inviting them to the platform, which define which pre-employment checks the Sidekick needs to complete during onboarding.

Category is the industry your Sidekick will be working in, and subcategory is the specific role they'll be performing with you.

  • For a Forklift Driver working in a warehouse environment, select:

    • Category: Warehousing & logistics

    • Subcategory: Forklift Driver

  • For an Chef working in hospitality, select:

    • Category: Hospitality

    • Subcategory: Chef

  • For a Phone Sales Agent working in an office environment, select:

    • Category: Admin, customer service & sales

    • Subcategory: Phone Sales

The category and subcategory you choose on your invitation should match the category and subcategory you'll use on your request when posting their shifts.

If you are unsure of which category and subcategory to select, please reach out to our Support via the blue-chat bubble for assistance.

Posting shifts for your Private Sidekicks

In order for your Private Sidekicks to see the shifts you're posting, you'll need to post the requests into a talent pool where your Sidekicks are in. Private Sidekicks can not see shifts posted by you to the Marketplace ('All Sidekicks').

To post a shift to a talent pool, select the talent pool name on the 'Who can apply' section on your request form.

Need a solution to manage your casual workers rostering, but handle employment admin and payroll internally? See our article on ‘Managing your casuals on Sidekicker’.

Still have questions, or wish to activate the Private Sidekicks feature for your business? Reach out via the blue chat bubble, we're always happy to help!

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