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Multi Agency Platform - Vacancies
Updated over a year ago

What are Vacancies?

Our Vacancies feature enables you to request temporary staff from multiple agency providers. You can view and accept submitted candidates and keep track of everything, all in one place.

How does it work?

Once you have logged into your account here, you’ll be able to create a vacancy in just three steps. You’ll then receive an email when an agency submits a worker. Once you’re happy to proceed with a worker, you’ll be able to contact your provider to finalise employment details. Watch just how easy it is below:

Step 1: Create a Vacancy

  1. Navigate to your Home Page, and select 'Post a vacancy'

  2. Complete the vacancy form, and select agencies to send it to

  3. Click 'Create vacancy' and your selected agencies will receive a vacancy request

Step 2: Review submitted workers

Sidekicker will email you when you have workers to review. View vacancy to see the worker details.

  1. Click the worker name to see their details and resume submitted by the agency

  2. Contact the provider if you have any questions

Step 3: Hire workers

  1. 'Accept' the desired workers, or pass them by clicking X

  2. Provide additional information the agency might need (e.g. start date)

  3. Once you click 'Confirm' the agency will be notified, and will finalise the employment details

Closing vacancies

Once you’ve finalised employment details and no longer need any more workers, you should close off the vacancy to prevent agencies sourcing more candidates.

  1. Go to the vacancy and select 'Close vacancy'

  2. Click 'Confirm' to notify the provider and close the vacancy

Adding users to your account

You can add any colleague who needs access to your vacancies as a user onto your account by following the below steps.

  1. Click your name on the bottom left corner and select 'Users'

  2. Click 'Invite user', and enter the required information (see here)

  3. Click 'Invite' to send an email invitation, where the user can proceed to create a user account linked to your company profile

Removing users who no longer require access

  1. Navigate to the user you would like to remove

  2. Click the 'X' next to their name

  3. Click 'Delete' to confirm

Need to make changes to your vacancy?

Have shift details changed, or you need to add an additional agency? No problem.

Edit your vacancy even after you've sent your request by clicking the three dots next to your vacancy and selecting Edit vacancy. An automated email will be sent to selected agencies. Please note: you won't be able to change the site or remove previously selected agencies when editing a vacancy.

Want to post similar vacancies?

Save time by duplicating a previously submitted vacancy.

Click the three dots next to your vacancy and select Post similar. Most existing fields will be prefilled. With a few clicks, add new shift times and internal reference numbers and select your desired agencies. Now you can also Select All agencies at a click of a button. The new vacancy is ready to submit.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  • I can’t see the Vacancies on the platform. What should I do?

    • MAP has to be enabled for your account in order for you to post vacancies. Please reach out to [email protected] if you’d like vacancies to be enabled for your organisation.

  • Can I edit a live vacancy once it's been sent to agencies?

    • All data in the request is editable, except:

      • Site/address

      • Past start date

      • Pre-selected agencies

  • What do I do if I no longer require the vacancy posted?

    • If you no longer require the vacancy posted, we recommend closing the vacancy to remove it from the platform and notify your labour providers.

  • What should I do when I want to hire a worker?

    • Once you've "Accepted" a worker, the relevant agency will be notified. From there, the next step will depend on the predetermined agreement between you and the agency in order to finalise employment.

  • Do I have to pick Sidekicker as an agency?

    • No. You are free to choose whichever agencies you'd like the vacancy to be sent to.

  • Will Sidekicker verify or screen workers submitted by labour providers?

    • No. Sidekicker only facilitates the connection between you as a hirer and your existing relationship with labour agencies. Workers put forward by Sidekicker are fully vetted and meet the Sidekicker standard you are familiar with. Each agency is responsible for ensuring workers put forward to meet the standard by their agreement with you.

  • The agency I am working with has a question about how the platform works. Who should they contact?

    • Agencies can reach out to Sidekicker directly at [email protected] if they have any questions about how the platform works or experiencing technical difficulties.

  • I have a problem with a worker provided by one of the agencies.

    • Please contact the relevant labour hire agency to discuss the issue directly. If the worker is a Sidekicker worker, please reach out to us via your account manager or at [email protected]

  • I’d like to provide feedback.

    • We want to hear from you! Your feedback can help shape the future of this solution as our product teams further build its functionality. As part of this Beta rollout, you will receive a feedback form you can use to share your opinion, or you can also reach out to us at [email protected]

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